
ITV Emmerdale fans threaten to switch off as Tom King goes ‘too far’ in ‘evil’ Piper scene

Emmerdale fans were left threatening to switch off - after claiming the soap went too far in vile Tom King scenes on Wednesday night

Emmerdale aired harrowing scenes on Wednesday night as Tom King targeted his and Belle Dingle’s dog, Piper, once again after a previous scene sparked nearly 1,000 Ofcom complaints

Emmerdale fans were left threatening to switch off – after claiming the soap went too far in vile Tom King scenes on Wednesday night.

The ITV soap is tackling a coercive control storyline with Tom and Belle Dingle, and fans have recently seen Tom isolating and manipulating his partner Belle. With his vile and violent behaviour worsening recently as he took Belle to Wales on the pretence of a holiday but he has actually planned to relocate there without his wife knowing, even applying for a job.

To make matters worse, Tom didn’t let Belle tell any of her family about their ‘getaway’ and even hid her mobile so she couldn’t contact anyone. Thankfully, Belle’s family member Charity has been very suspicious of Tom’s behaviour and after learning of Belle’s sudden departure, she decided to investigate on Tuesday’s episode with Cain as they arrived to the trashed cottage in Wales – with no sign of anyone at the property.

Emmerdale fans were left threatening to switch off - after claiming the soap went too far in vile Tom King scenes on Wednesday night

Emmerdale fans were left threatening to switch off – after claiming the soap went too far in vile Tom King scenes on Wednesday night 

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On Wednesday’s episode, the hit ITV soap aired a major flashback twist in a change to the ITV soap’s usual episode format, as it showed what had happened at the cottage. However, viewers were left horrified to see the couple’s pet dog, Piper, targeted again after a similar scene earlier this year involving the pet sparked nearly 1,000 Ofcom complaints.

During the latest instalment, at first, the trip seemed to be going well until Belle learnt of Tom’s sinister plan to relocate and his vile behaviour started to escalate. After Belle took Piper for a walk, joking to Tom she tried to run away, the vet saw red as he criticised Belle before tying Piper outside in punishment with the distressed dog appearing to be kept in the garden overnight, especially in the rain. Belle was left devastated and after being locked in the house, climbed out a window to comfort Piper.

Taking to Twitter, now X, one person said: “Has he left that poor dog out all night? God I can’t stand this”, a different account wrote: “#emmerdale…the bully is torturing the little dog again ….sorry will not watch animal abuse & this horrific treatment of Belle ….”, another put: “NO he’s so evil that dog has been outside all night! And now he’s locked her in the house so she can’t go and get her #Emmerdale” while a different viewer added: “#Emmerdale Banishing Piper is ONE. STEP. TOO. FAR. Switching over as we speak.”

Once Tom returned home from his job interview, revealing he secured the position, he soon turned aggressive once again, as well as gaslighting Belle. After appearing to hint he could kill her, Belle locked herself in a room and the next morning when Tom was showering she decided to escape with Piper, locking him in the house. Tom trashed the house in retaliation before climbing out a window and chasing Belle, who thankfully managed to escape on a bus with Piper while Tom shouted after them, banging on the vehicle.

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