Doctor who

The Return of Sutekh | The Legend of Ruby Sunday | Doctor Who

With the return of one classic Doctor Who villain, Ruby Sunday’s mysterious story becomes much darker than before. Doctor Who season 14 has continued to build off the success of previous seasons with Russell T. Davies back as showrunner. The writers have created compelling mysteries that will play out in Doctor Who season 15. Some of these mysteries, like the identity of Mrs. Flood and the identity of Ruby’s mom, continue to puzzle fans.

However, Doctor Who season 14, episode 7, “The Legend of Ruby Sunday” reveals the answer to one of the highest stakes mysteries, who is The One Who Waits. The reveal brings back a character from Classic Who that will serve as the main antagonist going forward. Based on his power, it’s unlikely he will be defeated in just one episode like Toymaker and Maestro. Moreover, the character has massive implications for the character Ruby Sunday.

Doctor Who’s Ruby Sunday Has A Confirmed Connection To Sutekh

Maestro Brought Up Ruby’s Connection To Sutekh In Doctor Who’s Episode, “The Devil’s Chord”

The story of Ruby Sunday seems so much darker with Sutekh’s return after 48 years. When Maestro went up against the Doctor and Ruby Sunday in Doctor Who season 14, episode 2, “The Devil’s Chord,” the Pantheon member feared Ruby because of the music coming from her soul. The song turns out to be Carol of the Bells, the song that played on the night she was left on the church steps.

Ruby doesn’t start exhibiting abnormal powers until after the Doctor goes back to save her from the goblins, so this power could have been related to his presence.

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Maestro compares this to the power of The One Who Waits. While this seemed a simple comparison pointing to Ruby’s power, it now seems that Ruby Sunday has a direct connection to the being, who we now know is Sutekh. The exact reason for their connection hasn’t been shared, but Doctor Who season 14, episode 7, “The Legend of Ruby Sunday,” provides a hint as to the explanation.

At the very least, Sutekh was present the night that Ruby was left at the church because he was aboard the TARDIS. Ruby doesn’t start exhibiting abnormal powers until after the Doctor goes back to save her from the goblins, so this power could have been related to his presence. However, there could be a much deeper connection between the characters if one Ruby Sunday mother theory in Doctor Who is correct.

Ruby Sunday Could Be Part Of Sutekh’s Doctor Who Plan

Sutekh Could Have Masterminded Ruby Sunday’s Time With The Doctor

Sutekh Doctor Who 2

The story of Ruby Sunday could be much darker if she was a part of Sutekh’s plan in Doctor Who. He could have been responsible for Ruby’s mother giving up the child and setting her up to cross paths with the Doctor. Because all of Sutekh’s powers aren’t known, he could have placed Mrs. Flood next door to Ruby and sent the goblins after her. His manipulation of the entire thing would explain why Mrs. Flood knows about the Doctor, the TARDIS, and The One Who Waits.

While Sutekh being aboard the TARDIS explains the groaning sounds and malfunctioning, it raises another question that could be answered by him having a plan. Doctor Who doesn’t explain why the TARDIS’ groaning only starts after Ruby becomes a companion and why he is now coming back after all this time. If The One Who Waits needed Ruby Sunday to enact his plan, he could’ve remained hidden up until the point that she came aboard the TARDIS. He also would refrain from making his presence known until everything fell in place.

Is Ruby Sunday Sutekh’s Child?

Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday smiling in Doctor Who.

In Doctor Who season 14, episode 2, “The Devil’s Chord,” Maestro willingly confirms that they were the child of the Toymaker, which seems a peculiar choice. There’s no reason related to their character development why they would make that choice, so the most likely explanation for this seems like narrative foreshadowing. Maestro’s relationship with the Toymaker and the fact that they referred to Ruby as similar to The One Who Waits could hint that Ruby is Sutekh’s daughter. This explanation is one of the theories about Ruby’s mom that makes the most sense.

The connection between Ruby and Sutekh would also explain why the DNA tests in Doctor Who couldn’t find any living relative on Earth.

The lineage would explain why Ruby has the ability to produce snow with her mind and how she changed her own timeline without triggering the Blinovich Limitation Effect. (Though, the two versions of Ruby could also have been far enough away to avoid “shorting out the time differential,” as the Fifth Doctor describes it.) The connection between Ruby and Sutekh would also explain why the DNA tests in Doctor Who couldn’t find any living relative on Earth. With this theory, Ruby’s lineage would transcend planetary connections. Her father would also be a passenger on the TARDIS, not on Earth.

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