Doctor who

Doctor Who: How Old Is Rose Tyler in Season 1?

Billie Piper's Rose Tyler against generations of Doctors in Doctor Who.

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In 2005, Doctor Who returned to television with a new Doctor and a new companion. Christopher Eccleston brought the Ninth Doctor to life, alongside Billie Piper as the revival series’ first companion, Rose Tyler. Rose met the Doctor in the midst of a battle with the Autons in Season 1’s first episode, “Rose.” After that first adventure, she joined the Doctor aboard the TARDIS for adventures into the past and the distant future, facing Daleks, Cybermen, ghosts, werewolves and the Devil himself. Rose stayed with the Doctor through a regeneration, only growing closer with the Time Lord in his tenth incarnation.

Eventually, Rose and the Doctor were torn apart in the Season 2 finale, “Doomsday,” which exiled Rose to a parallel universe with her family. This wasn’t the end for modern Doctor Who‘s original TARDIS duo, however. Season 4 saw Rose return from her alternate universe when the walls between realities started breaking down in the wake of the Daleks’ Reality Bomb. Rose and the Doctor were reunited in the Season 4 finale, before Rose returned to her parallel Earth with a half-human copy of the Doctor. The Tenth Doctor would see Rose a final time just before he regenerated, visiting a younger Rose just a few months before she would begin her adventures in time and space.

How Old Was Rose Tyler When She Met The Doctor?

The 9th Doctor barring Rose from coming out of the TARDIS as they look at something surprising.

In Doctor Who, Season 1, Rose Tyler was 19 years old. Rose’s age was mentioned on a few separate occasions in the first season, confirming that she was canonically 19. During a horse-and-carriage chase in Season 1, Episode 3, “The Unquiet Dead,” the Doctor told Charles Dickens that he was trying to save his friend and noted “she’s only 19.” Later, in “Dalek,” upon being told the TARDIS had landed in 2012, Rose said she should be 26 at that moment in time, seven years in her future. In the same episode, when the Doctor believed Rose had been killed by an escaped Dalek, he again commented on the fact she was just 19 years old.

While the series made Rose’s age explicit throughout Season 1, the topic has been disputed by some sources, due to an inconsistency that arose in the first two seasons of Doctor Who. Season 1’s eighth episode, “Father’s Day,” saw Rose and the Doctor travel to the day her father, Pete Tyler, died. In the episode, the date was given as Nov. 7, 1987. The version of Rose native to this time was seen in the episode and was only a few months old. Season 2’s “Rise of the Cybermen” even confirmed Rose was only six months old when her father died, placing her birth some time around May 1987. This would make Rose 18 at the oldest in Doctor Who, Season 1, despite the series repeatedly stating she was 19.

The discrepancy was further complicated by Rose’s opening narration at the start of “Army of Ghosts,” the first episode of the two-part Doctor Who, Season 2 finale, which would see her exit Doctor Who as the regular companion. During this narration, Rose stated that for “the first 19 years of my life, nothing happened… And then I met a man called the Doctor.” Furthermore, at the end of “The End of Time, Part Two,” just before regenerating, the Tenth Doctor met Rose on New Year’s Day 2005. Upon learning that it had just become 2005 for Rose, the Doctor told her that she was “going to have a really great year,” alluding to their impending first meeting. This all appears to confirm that Rose was 19 when she met the Doctor in 2005, even though this does not align with the timeline suggested by “Father’s Day.”

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Adding to the confusion around Rose’s age were the events of Doctor Who, Season 1’s fourth episode, “Aliens of London.”In this episode, the Doctor brought Rose back to the present day for the first time since they started traveling together, only to discover he had accidentally brought her back 12 months after they left. This occurred after her age had already been given as 19, so it did not quite explain away the series’ inconsistencies on Rose’s age, but it did mean Rose was now a year younger than she should have been from the perspective of the other people in her life. Technically, this means Rose was wrong in “Dalek” when she said she would be 26 in 2012, as her lost year meant she would only have been 25 by that point.

Rose’s Age in Doctor Who Season 2

Doctor Who Season 2 opened with the Tenth Doctor and Rose setting off on new adventures together, following the 2005 Christmas special, “The Christmas Invasion.” The episode had established Rose getting used to the Doctor’s new face and personality, following his regeneration at the end of Season 1. It even ended with the TARDIS duo looking to the stars together outside Rose’s home at the Powell Estate. Season 2’s first episode, “New Earth,” appeared to begin with the Doctor and Rose setting off in the TARDIS for the first time since “The Christmas Invasion.” While it was never explicitly stated that the episode was their first adventure since the Christmas special, the fact that it started with Rose bidding a big farewell to her mother and her boyfriend before later commenting on how different the new Doctor was, all suggested this was the case.

This makes it difficult to discern exactly how old Rose was in Doctor Who, Season 2, in which her age was never explicitly stated. If “New Earth” was showing the Doctor and Rose’s first outing since Christmas, then it’s reasonable to assume very little time had passed between “The Christmas Invasion” and this episode. This would mean Rose was likely still 19 at the start of Doctor Who, Season 2. However, in the opening scene of “New Earth,” the TARDIS had moved from where it had been parked at the end of “The Christmas Invasion.” There was also no sign of any lingering Christmas decorations, so it was possible a few months had passed and Rose may have been 20 years old at this point.

Given the Doctor’s reluctance to linger in any one place for too long, it’s likely that Season 2 opened shortly after the events of “The Christmas Invasion,” making Rose 19. However, she may well have had a birthday over the course of Doctor Who, Season 2, between episodes. Of course, the longer someone travels in the TARDIS, the harder it becomes to determine their exact age. As a time traveler jumps from the middle of one day to the end of the next, over and over again, it becomes more and more challenging to keep track of exactly how much time has passed from their point of view. This explains why the Doctor claimed he no longer knew if he was lying about his age in 2013’s 50th Anniversary special, “The Day of the Doctor.” Since Rose had already skipped one year of her life, working out her precise age likely started to get difficult during her travels with the Tenth Doctor.

Rose Tyler’s Age When She Returns in Doctor Who Season 4

Billie Piper as Rose Tyler is featured in Doctor Who

Season 4 of Doctor Who saw Rose Tyler make a surprise return to the series. Having been trapped on the parallel Earth known as Pete’s World, all possibility of Rose making it back to the Doctor’s world appeared to have been well and truly lost. However, with the threat of the Daleks’ Reality Bomb looming, Rose worked with UNIT to develop a device called a Dimension Cannon. This allowed her to travel back to her native universe to join the Doctor and prevent the Daleks’ plans from reaching completion. After a string of cameo appearances throughout Season 4, Rose finally made a full return in “Turn Left,” before playing a central role in the season finale, “The Stolen Earth” and “Journey’s End.”

By this point in time, Rose would have been around 22 years old. She was shown to have matured since her last appearance in Doctor Who and was first seen working closely with the UNIT of the parallel world that was created around Donna Noble in “Turn Left.” This was a separate parallel world to the one where Rose had been living, making her as much of an enigma to UNIT as she was to Donna. Rose played up to the mystery surrounding her identity by adopting a persona akin to the Doctor’s while dealing with UNIT and Donna.

“Journey’s End” saw Rose return to her parallel Earth with a half-human version of the Doctor, created when the Doctor transferred his regeneration energy into his spare hand, which then absorbed DNA from Donna. The humanity of this Doctor allowed him to finally confess his true feelings to Rose, setting the stage for them to begin a relationship as the original Doctor left Pete’s World for the final time.

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