
Emmerdale fans ‘work out’ unlikely villager brings down Tom King – and it’s not Cain

Emmerdale viewers are convinced they know who will save Belle Dingle from Tom King following Friday night’s showdown

Emmerdale fans reckon they’ve figured out who will step in to help Belle Dingle, played by Eden Taylor-Draper, following a revealing scene with Tom King (James Chase) on Friday night.

Tom’s shocking and violent behaviour took a nasty turn recently when he whisked Belle off to Wales under the guise of a holiday, but in reality, he planned to move there without informing his wife, even going as far as applying for a job.

Adding to the drama, Tom prevented Belle from informing her family about their ‘getaway’ and concealed her mobile to restrict her communication. However, Belle’s relative Charity Dingle (Emma Atkins) has been suspicious of Tom’s actions, and upon discovering Belle’s sudden departure, she decided to investigate further in Tuesday’s episode alongside Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley).

They arrived at the ransacked cottage in Wales, only to find it deserted. In Wednesday’s flashback episode, it was revealed that Tom’s appalling behaviour had escalated . After targeting their dog, Piper, and locking Belle in the cottage, the courageous character decided to flee with Piper while Tom was in the shower, according to the Mirror.

Belle made a daring escape by hopping on a bus just as Tom was hot on her heels. The Dingle family’s beloved Belle then made a return to her home in Thursday’s episode, while Tom tried to paint himself as the innocent party, insinuating that her erratic behaviour was due to her not taking her medication.

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Yet, when Belle went back to pick up some belongings, she faced a terrifying threat from Tom: “I will kill you before I let you leave this house.” Displaying remarkable courage, Belle chose to leave regardless of Tom’s menacing words.


Emmerdale: Vinny finally confronts Tom(Image: (Image: ITV))

In a further twist, the next night saw Tom skulking around the Dingles’ home as Sam Dingle (James Hooton) let their dog Piper out. Seizing his chance to play the hero, Tom craftily returned the supposedly lost dog to the family.

Vinny Dingle (Bradley Johnson), however, smelled a rat and later voiced his concerns about Tom’s potentially abusive treatment of Belle during a private chat.

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The plot thickened at The Woolpack pub where Vinny witnessed Tom demeaning Belle, prompting him to step in.

Vinny Dingle seemed wary of Tom and later when alone with Belle, he gently asked her if Tom had been abusive

Vinny Dingle could be the one to take down Tom King(Image: (Image: ITV))

In a shocking turn, Tom announced that Belle had terminated a pregnancy and then falsely accused Vinny of having an affair with his wife.

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In a tense showdown at the Woolpack, Tom cunningly coerced Belle into vowing silence about his true nature. The drama hit a crescendo when Belle cautioned Vinny to steer clear of her tumultuous life.

Emmerdale enthusiasts have taken to Twitter to air their theories, with several predicting that Vinny might be the one to unveil Tom’s duplicity. One viewer posted: “Vinny knows Belle is being abused #Emmerdale”, while another commented: “Ooooooh Vinny could be onto him #emmerdale”. (sic).

Another fan shared their insight: “Vinny can see Tom for who he is #Emmerdale”, and yet another chimed in: “Vinny is the kindest soul in the village. He’ll help Belle, no doubt.#Emmerdale.”

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